Thursday, December 27, 2012


Although it happened a while ago, I can still feel the sensation of our coincidental reencounter. This is how it went:

Back in August I spent some days in the picturesque city of Gdansk, Poland. In the very last night of my stay, walking along the touristy Long Market, I heard the strange but wonderful sounds of two street musicians. He, Edward, sang arias using the vocal range of a tenor as well as soprano. It sounded like a duett sung by a man and a woman, but indeed it was (almost) just him. As if this wasn't enough, there was a subtle third voice. Getting closer to the street stage, I could see a small girl of about six years (I still don't know if daughter or granddaughter) singing along with him... I was so amazed by the fervor of the little girl, like she listened to his songs even before her childbirth. On the other hand I was irritated by the fact that such a young kid was travelling around as street artist. I assume most people around the imaginery stage felt the same, as I could see emotions from tears to disgust.

One week later back in Dresden, I did some street photography as I walked along the Neumarkt. There, I saw and heard an orchestra of an akkordeon and a singing saw. How original, I thought. Walking closer to see the artists, I couldn't believe my eyes; don't I know that guy?! And yes, it was actually Edward from Gdansk, making music in my town! It must have been such a coincidence... Talking to him afterwards, he told me that they are traveling around Europe making music and Dresden was just a short stop along the way. He also told me that they were going to perform their arias the day after. So I took my camera and shot:

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Sony a65, 50mm

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Flowing Fall

A couple of weaks ago I got a nice neutral density filter with factor 1000, which allows me to shoot long exposures even during daytime. I tried to catch some indian summer shots along the Elbe.

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Sony a65, Minolta AF 24mm, ND filter

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Shots of my precious things done in my "home studio".
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Sony a65, flash, diffusor

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wedding Time

Well well, it has to be the first time for everyone! A few months ago, my cousin asked me if I could do the photo documentary of his wedding. For me it was quite an experience: very busy days, but also a lot of opportunities. I'd do it again!

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Sony a65, 24mm f2.8

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend in the City

Last weekend I tried to do some street fotography, blending in the crowd and shoot people and scenes just as they happen. I hope you get the mood how Dresden's tourist crowded old town is feeling on a regular weekend.

As always, feel free to leave a comment. Feedback is always appreciated! The comment button is just below the gallery.

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Sony a65, 50mm f1.8, 24mm f2.8

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gdansk '12

Hey Folks. As you've already seen new post were pretty rare recently. However, during my two weeks of vacation I could take some nice pics I'd like to show you in two different posts. Today you get some impressions of the beautiful Polish city of Gdansk. Me and my flatmate spent one laid-back week doing some sightseeing, eating traditional polish food (love Bigos), shopping in American style outlet malls, cruising on the Baltic Sea et cetera et cetera. See yourself and leave comments if you like!

Please note that I changed the viewer widget, I believe the new one is much more convenient because it offers fullscreen view and slideshow option. Try it out and click on the icons near the top right corner of the gallery below. From there you can also browse through the photos easily!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lakeside Fireworks

Since a couple of years an event called "Malter in Flammen" takes place at a resevoir near my parent's place. A couple of friends joined to go there after having a delightful barbeque at my place called home. We ended the day with some lightpainting...

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Sony A65, Minolta 24mm f2.8, Walimex Pro 8mm

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bugs, Bees and Snails

Seized yesterday's sunny evening to go out into nature...
Sony A65, Minolta 24mm f2.8, Sony 50mm f1.8

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ligthning Season

Sony A65, Walimex 8mm

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Germany vs. Israel (Football)

Somewhat dated, but here are some pics from the pre-EC football match Germany versus Israel in Leipzig.


Sony A65, 55-200mm

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bunte Republik Neustadt

Last weekend Dresden's "alternative" suburb Neustadt went out to party on the streets for the 22nd time, transforming the historic district into a colorful republic.
Sony A65, 50mm 1.8

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jogging '12

This year's "Sportscheck Stadtlauf" in Dresden's city center.

Sony A65, 50mm, 55-200mm, Kodak Portra

Monday, June 4, 2012


Some impressions shot with my new equipment, a Sony Alpha SLT65 with 50mm lens.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This march I decided to go on a short city trip. My choice fell on the city located on two different continents: Istanbul. I really like this city: smell of oriental spices and hookahs, muezzins shouting from hundreds of minarets, original kebab, historic hamams, labyrinthine bazars, ferries all over the bosphorus, friendly people and great city views.

The result can be viewed below ;)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Race with Bikes on a Mountain

Last weekend a friend of mine took the challenge to participate in a cross-country mountainbike race. What a nice opportunities to take some action shots of one of my favorite sports:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sun, Moon & Stars

I spent the nights of the last three weeks putting together this little piece of art. Hope you like it! Feel free to comment on that, I'm happy about every hint I can get!

For those who like to watch it in HD, please follow this link:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Portals of Erfurt

I've spent the days around New Year's Eve with friends in the beautiful, neat city of Erfurt. Wandering around the old city center I couldn't stop shooting the picturesque doors and portal of the awry and crooked houses around town.